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CRM Trends for 2020

The world of CRM software is a competitive and growing space. Implementing this software in your business’ everyday operations might perhaps be the best way to provide best-in-class customer experiences, whether you’re a retailer or business to business. Of course, with countless other tools, CRM software can also be the key to organization and what businesses need to ensure that they are ready for the future as marketplace demands intensify. 

Let’s take a look at just five of the top CRM trends for 2020:

1. The continued emphasis on the customer experience

Without the customer, there would be no business, right? That’s why businesses revolve around the customer now more than ever before. According to a 2019 Salesforce survey, 84% of respondents ranked the importance of customer experience at the same level as products or services. Attempting to compete solely on product and price is futile in today’s market. The future exists in CRM platforms built with intelligent, real-time capabilities that allow companies to take the next step towards a more connected, customer-centric approach.

2. Continuing AI integration

AI and the customer experience go hand in hand, which is why it is important for both of them to be improved within the world of CRM. AI is the key to staying connected in real-time with customers in order to provide exceptional customer service. It also presents a major opportunity for growth when it comes to its use in marketing. With the help of AI, shopping experiences can be personalized, target audiences can be distinguished, marketing and buying data can be analyzed, and online experiences can be improved upon.

3. The future of mobile CRM

With the continuing development of mobile technology, mobility is becoming a central component of sales activities. Extending CRM systems beyond the confines of the office is perhaps the biggest focus when it comes to further development of mobile CRM. A more mobile CRM platform means more availability and flexibility for sales and customer service reps. With apps the work across platforms, intuitive interfaces, and the ability for sales professionals to transition between online and offline environments with ease, mobile CRM solutions have a lot to offer.

4. Social Media & CRM 

Social media has become the focal point of the customer experience. With brands having their own social media accounts, connecting with their customers has become as simple as ever. Social channels allow companies to connect with their audience in real-time and build brand equity where prospects and customers are already spending time. It also enables one-to-one marketing and the personal attention customers crave. Mentions and direct message notifications make it incredibly easy for customers to communicate their comments, questions, or concerns with a brand. In addition to facilitating better customer service, social channels also present opportunities for advertising to both existing and prospective customers. 

5. User-friendly CRM software

CRM software is an invaluable part of any business’s daily operations. With tools to organize data, keep tabs on sales leads, follow up with customers, and much more, CRM software keeps everything running smoothly. However, preparing to actually use the software itself can be a bit daunting, even for experienced CRM users. In order to be truly effective, CRM systems must be easy to use. Learning the ins and outs of an overcomplicated system can take away from the sole purpose of the software; making the day to day functions of business easy and simple. With the mobility of CRM being improved upon in 2020, users are going to have the ability to work anywhere in and outside of the office. Updates to CRM platforms are going to have to be reflective of this improved mobility in order for user experiences to continue to be effective.