Are you wondering about what else you can do to grow and manage your business? Below are 3 reasons why is the time to spread your wings as a social media butterfly.
It creates brand awareness

Text and images on a feed form a representative mosaic, which can become synonymous with a brand. For example, a preppy apparel brand may choose to post photos of a recent sailing regatta on their Instagram to appeal to their demographic. Utilizing social channels can also help consumers learn ways in which to use products or the benefits of a service. A recent study said 53% of people who follow brands on social media are more loyal to those brands. Concerned about what your brand’s reputation is like on Facebook? Salesforce is a great tool to make sure the most flattering snapshot of your company gets shared to your followers. So if you haven’t hopped on the social media bandwagon yet then now may be a good time.
It connects you to your users

People follow the brands they love and they’re certainly not quiet about it. Nielson’s 2012 Social Media Report tells us that nearly 50% of consumers use social media to ask questions and to leave positive or negative feedback. Through responding to comments you can easily do damage control to address a negative remark or thank a loyal customer for saying something positive. Use social media as a way to prove that your customer service is on point. Feeling scattered? Using Salesforce is an easy way to connect with your customers through all social channels easily all in one place.
More opportunities to convert

Every post is a chance for a call to action. Use this as an opportunity to post a link for a contest or to simply drive the traffic back to your website. Adding links to see which posts performed best are an added plus to repeat what worked well. Brand following doubled within two years and nowadays, with the costs of utilizing social media being so low, there’s definitely more to gain than to lose.
The social landscape is constantly changing so stay tuned for more ways staying social can help your company.