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What is CRM?

A Quick Guide to Success

As a society we have made quantum leaps, hurling ourselves into the pinnacle of technology. Everyday there is some new advancement that claims to make our lives easier and our efforts minimal. We love learning about new ways to increase productivity, ensure accuracy and efficiency. CRM tools are a great example of how the advancement of technology has greatly improved how we think about our business. This article will breakdown exactly what CRM tools do to improve your business and get you thinking about steps to take to resurrect your company’s CRM efforts.

What is CRM Technology?

CRM tools help your business analyze, organize and aggregate your business’ customer data. This gives you insight on how to better manage your customer relationships. The data is collected between various touch points and channels. CRM tools store important information such as personal data, demographics, purchase history and so much more. This knowledge allows you to better cater to your customer needs and even anticipate their next purchase move with predictive technology. 

What does a CRM do?

Think about your companies data for a second. Where is it located? Are you able to easily access it with a few clicks of your mouse? Are you scrolling down an endless Excel spreadsheet just to find a customer? Are you even keeping and organizing your customer data? If these questions started to make you feel uneasy no worries, there’s a CRM for that. 
CRM systems are relevant across all departments including Sales, Marketing, Human Resources, IT, the list goes on. Simply put, A CRM system helps collect prospect data, track customer interactions and shares this information across your company. A CRM allows you to manage customer data and see business growth. 
A CRM system puts all of your customer information into one place. Allowing you to treat the customer like family and personalize each interaction. This guarantees that data is relevant and up-to-date, so your customer feels like an individual and not just part of the crowd. Ensuring seamless follow-ups and plenty of opportunities to close and grow deals all while strengthening your relationship with your customers.

Key Features


Segment your customers into groups to better organize and cater to their needs. 


By analyzing your past data a CRM system helps you compile data from your social channels, website traffic and polls. This give users the option to make better choices in the future based on data from many different company sources. 


Odds are you have a mobile device. The ability to check your CRM tool directly on your device means that you are receiving minute-by-minute updates so you can serve your customers instantly, making everyone happy!

Sales Force

Who doesn’t love instant gratification? With CRM tools the ability to automate certain aspects of your sales process mean that your employees are able to tackle more complex and detail oriented tasks. Automation helps in more ways than one, such as follow-up emails,order processing, inventory control, outgoing calls and so much more. 

Internal Chat

With internal chats built directly into CRM tools your company is able to easily connect with each other. This eliminates the need for messy email chains and allows users to quickly revisit something directly in the chat.

Email MarketingIntegration

CRM systems like Salesforce offer a robust Email Marketing solution. Allowing you to create template and schedule your email blasts all in one place.

What if my company doesn't have a CRM system in place?

If you don’t have a CRM tool in place, no need to fret. Like a lot of business you might be thinking that a CRM tool isn’t  right for you. Cost, aversion to change, lack of total user adoption are all viable reason to wave off CRM tools. We are here to reassure you that getting your business up and running with a reliable CRM tool can be quick, easy and affordable. At CRMD the CRM is right in our name! We are committed to getting your business CRM needs on track with little down time. 
Not sure if a CRM is right for you? Check out this article to help you answer the question “Do I Need A CRM Tool?” For those who need a little more answers schedule a meeting with us today and let’s get started!